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By Mohammed Azhar

NFT - Case study - EDA


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All these questions below have been thoroughly addressed in our case study! 📊✨
Total sales during the period? ✔️
Top 5 most expensive transactions (name, ETH price, USD price, date)? ✔️
Table with event, USD price, and 50-transaction moving average? ✔️
NFT names with average sale price in USD, sorted descending (average_price)? ✔️
Sales count and average ETH price by day of the week, sorted by transaction count? ✔️
Summary column for each sale (who sold, who bought, NFT name, date, USD price)? ✔️
View 1919_purchases for sales where 0x1919db36ca2fa2e15f9000fd9cdc2edcf863e685 was the buyer? ✔️
Histogram of ETH price ranges, rounded to the nearest hundred? ✔️
Union query for highest and lowest NFT prices with status column (highest/lowest)? ✔️
NFT with the most sales each month/year, including name and USD price, ordered chronologically? ✔️
Total sales volume, rounded to the nearest hundred, on a monthly basis? ✔️
Transaction count for wallet 0x1919…

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