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By Paul

DEXPLORER, Pokemon Encyclopedia

Website Development

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img of DEXPLORER, Pokemon Encyclopedia

< Description />

DexPlorer is an interactive, user friendly website and thorough Pokemon Encyclopedia. In this application you'll find stats, typing, summaries and much more! Increase your Pokemon knowledge and have fun with Dexplorer!

The purpose of this web application is to help people who are passionate to get information about their favorite characters and other ones. Dexplorer allow us to look for species by displaying main qualities from each one, including the name, species, and skills; also the description assigned to each character is displayed on a pokemon card after typing it on the input box and click the fetch button. This is also helpful for pokemon fans to keep updated with new species each time.


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< Highlights of Project/>

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I am Paul Bilbatua, a dedicated and passionate full-stack developer with strong learning of front-end and back-end technologies. I have an interest in developing web applications that provide interactivity making users a pleasant experience while using web applications, and meet…